
Conveniently located in Jasper on Highway 78 next to Jasper Pediatric Dentristry

Conveniently located in Jasper on Highway 78 next to Jasper Pediatric Dentristry
Speech Works of Alabama, LLC’s mission is to provide quality speech therapy services to the pediatric, adult, and geriatric population of Jasper and the surrounding area. Our goal is to facilitate improved functional abilities, enhance quality of life, and promote self-efficacy in the clients we serve. Our purpose is to work with clients and their families to provide client-centered care, to provide services that make a difference, and to provide results that generalize to everyday life.
Pediatric Therapy
Comprehensive evaluations
Treatment areas:
Social skills
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Autism-related services
Family education:
Homework aides
Parent/guardian involvement
Adolescent And Adult Therapy
Comprehensive evaluations
Treatment areas:
Adolescent Articulation
Adolescent Social skills
Autism-related services
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Stroke, TBI, and Dementia-related services
Family education:
Homework aides
Memory Aids
Compensatory Strategies